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Showing posts from February, 2014

Music from the Heart

What better than music takes us through life, all parts of life, think about it Music helps us with our celebrations and through our deepest despairs. Music has helped me through some tough times belting out music as I drove down the highway certainly can do magic, dancing to my favorite songs as well as anything with a good beat. What has Music helped you with? Listen for the music today as you travel in different locations, Now also listen to the silence turn off all electronic devices, sit in silence and Listen, what do you "Hear". It is in the deepest silence that the most beautiful music is heard. Listen and you will hear the Angels singing, listen and the music of Nature will fill  your heart, listen and all the beautiful sounds of the Universe will fill your soul. This is what I believe the music artists are aiming for to help us hear the beauty of the Universes Soul. Peace in Silence

The Hidden lesson of Lessons

A lesson of a lessons As I was sitting talking to a client yesterday A realization came over me. Now this happen quite often when I am consulting with people, though this time was different I actually heard my guides say listen to what you are telling her and at that moment I realized she was my teacher, Yes quite often the people we think we are helping are actually helping us. Now I know the old adage we tend to teach what we need to learn but this time it was different. I looked at her reiterated what she said and we both left learning. Another great day. So now  as I journal I think how many more teachers have I had, people that I "thought" I was coaching where in reality they were coaching me in a sense. Going to go deeper here, now these lessons that we learn when we think about our Soul families and how these lessons are orchestrated wow the amazing work that the Universe does. So Grateful,

A Game

Life is bout a game It has been awhile since I have sent out a Newsletter and every time I go to write I allow something to stop me. Notice I said “allow” that is because we are in total control of our lives. It is my passion to teach people the truth, the power that they have within and how to use that power to create the life of their dreams and over the past few years I have been a student diving deeply into the lessons.  I have found many teachers along my path and am sure I will encounter many more.  I have come to many realizations. The one major one being that we are not here to “learn” we are here to remember and experience. To remember who we are, a spiritual being  having a human experience.  The experience is what helps us grow as spiritual beings.  Our source wants us to experience joy, passion, love, charity, abundance and prosperity. As we awaken to the truth of who we are and know that everything we desire is ours, we just have to have the fa...