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Showing posts from June, 2015

Over Whelming Guilt or Self Sabotage?

I have been through many life changes recently from selling a business to committing to a part time job, to social relationship adjustments. These changes as well as others have been part of my journey through out my time here. Yesterday as day 6 came of my take time for me stretch, which was not an easy thing to do, I started to get this overwhelming feeling of guilt. Now I have had this feeling before many times through out my life. Each time I wonder where it is coming from, which creates more guilt. I start thinking what have I done? My sub conscience must realize that I did something to feel this way. Who did I hurt? What did I say? What did I do or not do to justify this feeling? Now I did take time for me. So was I feeling guilty because I was not getting everything done on my to do list? No, because earlier in the week I sat and did what "had" to get done. So again I went through the thought process of everything I did or did not do, say or did not say.  Nothi...