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Reiki and the Unified Field

Reiki has many benefits, as you may well know, but bringing all those together helps with one main thing. Reiki is a tool to assist us in connecting with the Unified Field where all possibilities exist. Where health is, where we can find peace, Love, and abundance in all areas of our life, and where we can heal from our past and create our future. Reiki is the answer to many of our questions.  

Your first question may be what is the unified field? And that is a great question. Over the years this field has been called many things, but science has now come to an agreement on the one-word well two words, Unified Field. And yes science, Science has come to prove the reality of energy healing. It has also come to be proved that you do not need anyone but yourself to do it. The thing you may need to start with is a teacher/consultant to help with the tools and techniques that assist in getting you to a point where you have the information and confidence to heal yourself.  

Reiki is a tool that allows you to access the vibrational energy that assists in healing the body. When we achieve this vibration, our bodies are able to break up blockages that are causing Dis-ease in our physical, emotional, and etheric bodies. All dis-ease begins with an imbalance in our systems, so to bring it back to homeostasis daily energy balancing is necessary. Yes, daily is best. Why? Because we are out daily, in a world that is far from balanced.  When we work on balancing our inner spirit, and our personal space, we can move through our 3-dimensional world in a healthier way, and hopefully, avoid the pitfalls and lower energy that exists in this dimensional reality we live in.  

Is it easy? Heck no, changing our behavior so to stay healthy is hard and changing our behavior to get healthy from some conditions is even harder. We need to consciously change behaviors that are rooted in our subconscious. That is where turning to others that have the information to make those changes and can support you in the journey is so important. 

Starting with a tool such as Reiki, the first tool that found me, can be life-changing. Over the past 20-plus years, I have seen Reiki do some amazing things and I know this wonderful tool can do so much for anyone. The first step, find a class near you. 

Classes are scheduled. Reiki 1, Feb. 11th, space is limited. Contact me for more info on this class or a session to begin your healing journey back to you.  


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