I wanted to do a series of Blogs on the information that I teach at my office here in Mass, though I also want to start a discussion here so please let me know what you think and any questions pertaining to this weeks blogg.
This week I picked Intuition. Now first off what is it?
Second does everyone have it?
Third can you develop it?
It is that knowing that gut feeling that voice in your head that say or sometimes Yells at you.
2 yes everyone has it
3 yes you can develop it.
There are many ways, Meditation is a start, Journaling helps, and most importantly learning to listen.
Yes listen, and to do that we need to slow down, go within, and when you ask a question, when you sit and pray for what ever it is you desire, you must sit and listen for the answer, It is always there, sometimes learning how to hear the answer is the biggest hurdle.
Sometimes it comes in a flash, a vision, an idea, a word that someones says catches your ear, The answers come in many ways.
This week I am starting a series on how to Develop your intuition and if you are local I invite you to join us, if not please stay tuned for video lessons that will be coming soon.
visit www.innerspiritmanagement.com to see schedule
This week I picked Intuition. Now first off what is it?
Second does everyone have it?
Third can you develop it?
It is that knowing that gut feeling that voice in your head that say or sometimes Yells at you.
2 yes everyone has it
3 yes you can develop it.
There are many ways, Meditation is a start, Journaling helps, and most importantly learning to listen.
Yes listen, and to do that we need to slow down, go within, and when you ask a question, when you sit and pray for what ever it is you desire, you must sit and listen for the answer, It is always there, sometimes learning how to hear the answer is the biggest hurdle.
Sometimes it comes in a flash, a vision, an idea, a word that someones says catches your ear, The answers come in many ways.
This week I am starting a series on how to Develop your intuition and if you are local I invite you to join us, if not please stay tuned for video lessons that will be coming soon.
visit www.innerspiritmanagement.com to see schedule
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