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The Crooked Path we Walk

This year started with many new visions, ambitions, and expectations. I have been bounced in what can only be described as  the Universes version of a child's bouncy house. The universe has a sense of humor. Unfortunately sometimes we are not in on the joke. So when I got the notion to go back to school and finish up a degree I started many years ago I jumped into a night class. The one and only class that was available in my schedule.

This class I am now taking was originally just a "needed" class to full fill my credits. For me to move towards what I thought was my path. After the experiences I have had over that past 6 weeks I now know that this class was  and is so much more than that.  You will see over the next 6 months to years why that is.

This experience I have had with this class is similar I am sure with many examples you can remember in your life. You start something for one reason, and as you  move forward you find that it full fills another need entirely.

As I took this class other events started to happen, A space opened for my healing center, My current store morphed into a slightly different entity. People started appearing to assist in the center. My husband found his happiness. Things I was sure I wanted never appeared.  But the most important thing that happened is that I allowed myself to relax into it all.

I came to realize as I have taken this class, that the events of our lives, are for all good reasons. Sometimes the things we think we want are only put there as desires. The Universe has a way of knowing what it is we really want. Our problem is that we get in our own way. So what the Universe does is dangle that carrot in front of us. For me that carrot was finishing up my degree and getting a higher paying position in a new career path. My thought was, yes this is what I want. I can get this degree and it is going to take me here and while I am working on this degree I will work in the industry and move up as the degree is achieved.

So I applied at many facilities for jobs I know I was qualified for. To my dismay no one called me back.  All good though I just kept doing what I do. Next a space opens that is perfect for my Healing Center. I have individuals excited about it. I move more towards this dream. All the while I stay in this class as I have come to love the learning.

Then after about five weeks I receive a job offer.  My heart sank. I hung up the phone and almost cried, why, why now. I am moving forward. But I know the steady income would be good.  The thought comes, am I suppose to be getting this degree? I was sick. Two days later I called the lady back and thanked her but I am doing something for me. I am moving forward on my dream and by the way if you ever need a Healing session I am available. We laughed and I said good bye.  That was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but it was also one of the most freeing. I followed my Heart for the first time. I did what was right for me.

I am writing this to emphasize the point that: one there is no wrong direction you are walking, two The Universe knows what you want. The Universe will provide, and three you just need to have the faith to walk that path One step at a time.

Eighteen years ago I had a vision, Today I am bringing it to reality. I guess it is finally mature enough to Manifest. Don't give up on your Dreams.


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