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What is Reiki? Can it be answered.?

This is a question that is asked a lot. Actually, I am still surprised how much. But I still answer with the same statement. It is a high vibrational white light energy. I then go on to explain. Reiki can be used in many ways and basically relieves the stress in a physical body so it can then heal.  To that I usually get a deer in the headlight stare. It is a hard concept to absorb. Relieve stress and the body can heal? Yes Stress can take many forms and manifest in many ways. So how can a person place their hands on someone and have healing occur. A bit blasphemous?

Really though, because Reiki is such a miraculous gift it is best experienced. That is why I often offer possible students a 15 min session. Or I host what I like to call Reiki 101. A workshop where I explain Reiki, answer questions and attune attendees to the energy that lasts approx. 24 -48 hrs. I then have each person receive and give reiki. It is always an amazing treat to see the joy of that first Reiki experience.

Reiki was introduced to the states in the early 1970's and since then has exploded in many directions. Considering the short time it is wonderful how many studies have been done to prove Reiki’s effectiveness.

Reiki has been a wonderful addition to my life and opened me to the truths of our universal connection. Reiki is not a Religion, that really has to be understood. People of all Religions are attuned to Reiki.  I have found that a knowing of the Truth of our Source assist in the effectiveness of Reiki. When we have a deep connection to our Source the energy flows easily. Now Reiki will flow through whoever is attuned, you will just have an easier time if your faith in Divine is strong. If you study and learn the ways of energy, how to connect, wonderful things will begin to manifest.

Reiki is a gift that was given to this planet to assist all that inhabit it. Energy healing has been a part of the human culture since the first civilizations and Dr. Usui was blessed with bringing it to light once again for the modern world. Reiki has created millions of miracles in people’s lives and will continue to do so.

I would love to answer your questions on Reiki feel free to contact me through this blog or email me at, visit my website

I will continue to answer questions and bring more info on Reiki and Self care to this blog and my website.


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