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Does Energy Work Heal your Pets?


Does Energy Work Heal your Pets?


First of all, it is a Big Yes. A Yes that you can use energy work on your pets and they respond so well. They Love it. And it helps you out at the same time.  Reiki has been a wonderful tool for both myself my fur babies. I use it as they mature in age and even have attuned my older dogs so they can actually use the energy when I’m not around. It calms them. It helps with anxiety & stress, those fireworks during the summer, separation anxiety, pain, dementia, and other issues that your fur babies deal with. Reiki is so easy too, all you need is Level one, a simple online class and you are able to help your babies yourself. There is no need to bring them to someone else. And the stress of a stranger working on them is one less obstacle that they have to overcome.


Other forms of energy work are IET and meditation. Yes, meditation for your animals is great and Yes, it starts with you. There is a technique to doing meditation with your animals. It is a way of bringing energy into the room and creating a peaceful environment for them. You don’t just tell them to go sit in the corner and do their meditation. 😊  The key with animals is that they crave the ability to be with you and allowing that is a benefit for both of you. The energy exchange between humans and animals is healing, grounding, and spiritual. Your babies are really your babies and they count on us as much as we count on them. Learning to use energy work will benefit both of you in so many ways.


 I have also found some wonderful relief with essential oils. I recently used a technique of applying certain oils to my older dog that I believe tremendously helped her to relax and recover from pain and anxiety. She is like 2 yrs. younger. The thing with oils though is to educate yourself in the use of them and the different quality levels of oils. There are so many factors to consider when choosing an oil company to work with. For therapeutic purposes please do not by oils from a large chain store. There are a few very reputable companies that produce some wonderful Therapeutic grade oils, so do your research. To see what I use please visit my website.

All this sounds confusing? Maybe, but it is so worth taking a holistic approach with your pets. And best of all you can do it yourself and in the process, you are helping yourself too.

Now offering all classes and consulting online.

 For more information please contact me via email.


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