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Showing posts from 2015

Stop acting like a girl version 2

Updated Question of the day, Authenticity, what is it? How do you put yourself out there? How do we know when we are being authentic or when we are acting the way society expects us to act? After all we have had some great teachers that have been taught by great teachers how to kill our truth. Hide that dam joy, stop acting like a girl. You will never get anywhere in this life if you can’t compete with the men. Well baby I competed and I did pretty good. In fact I proved that I work harder and have less fears than most. Well at least I pushed past them and got the job done. I look back at some of the positions I put myself in. Ya, HA HA I got that. But seriously. I walked on a cat walk four stories up two feet wide with no safety harness. I use to climb the three story ladder to fix siding while the guy held the ladder because he was too scared to climb. I proved myself. Which is why I also moved up in the Management hierarchy. Move to present day and I am amazed how wome...

This is only a Test.............

I have been conducting an experiment over the last few years. This experiment has enabled me to produce some remarkable results. I wish to now share some of my findings with you. This report will take place over several entries as it is quite remarkable and I do wish to be specific. To begin let’s take this back to when I thought that life was grand.  So excited, full of hope and expectation.  I then take my first breath and get slapped on the ass. Yup. This is gonna be quite a journey.  Finally into the loving arms of my mom.  I lay there remembering everything I was told before I jumped into this world. Ok, I thought to myself, I was told about this. I was told you have to make your way, you have to remember why you choose to come down here. You came knowing that this was a great opportunity to help and grow. The excitement of knowing you can help. Come on don’t forget this. I kept saying to myself you have to stay alert. This world is known for making peop...

Over Whelming Guilt or Self Sabotage?

I have been through many life changes recently from selling a business to committing to a part time job, to social relationship adjustments. These changes as well as others have been part of my journey through out my time here. Yesterday as day 6 came of my take time for me stretch, which was not an easy thing to do, I started to get this overwhelming feeling of guilt. Now I have had this feeling before many times through out my life. Each time I wonder where it is coming from, which creates more guilt. I start thinking what have I done? My sub conscience must realize that I did something to feel this way. Who did I hurt? What did I say? What did I do or not do to justify this feeling? Now I did take time for me. So was I feeling guilty because I was not getting everything done on my to do list? No, because earlier in the week I sat and did what "had" to get done. So again I went through the thought process of everything I did or did not do, say or did not say.  Nothi...

Give Me A Sign

Have you ever stood in the middle of your living room, bedroom or where ever and just screamed from frustration GIVE ME A SIGN!!! Ya I think we all have at one point or another. The confusion of Life, Our impatience on waiting for the truth to surface. And just us being a selfish, spoiled brats sometimes we want it Now!!  Like Violet in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It can be hard to learn the virtues of patience.  Yes I made demands and I stomped my feet. Well not literally, but I wanted a sign from God to tell me which way I was supposed to go. Life has been a bit of a challenge lately with business and career changes and where I want to go I felt was not taking me where I needed to be financially. Because yes I have bills to pay to. I need a roof over my head and food to eat though a little less food wouldn't hurt.                 My sign came this morning and it was so clear I ...

The Crooked Path we Walk

This year started with many new visions, ambitions, and expectations. I have been bounced in what can only be described as  the Universes version of a child's bouncy house. The universe has a sense of humor. Unfortunately sometimes we are not in on the joke. So when I got the notion to go back to school and finish up a degree I started many years ago I jumped into a night class. The one and only class that was available in my schedule. This class I am now taking was originally just a "needed" class to full fill my credits. For me to move towards what I thought was my path. After the experiences I have had over that past 6 weeks I now know that this class was  and is so much more than that.  You will see over the next 6 months to years why that is. This experience I have had with this class is similar I am sure with many examples you can remember in your life. You start something for one reason, and as you  move forward you find that it full fills another need e...

The Point is......................

So my word or message this morning for me was "point of view",  to which I asked how come I do not get a "word" everyday? Well that started the ball running...... for one you do, it is a matter of your focus and to that,.... the point of view or attitude you have while your "focusing"  Life hands us so many opportunities each day, and those opportunities are made or not made depending on our Point of view. So what started me on my point of view today was the thought that why don't I get a word or message each day? I love waking up with my Angels chattering, that is when they are chattering about anything besides "Ann, come on Ann it's time to wake up" I don't use an alarm clock, I rely on my Angels to do that job for me, they do a great job. Any ways as I was saying, this morning the chatter was all about point of view and such, like focus and gratitude and attitude. I recently made a life decision and am moving forward on that so...

On Being Me.............................

Being Me...... Yup, As I begin to write or I should say began to write the other day. I was told to stop. and for those reading that are not aware, I am very in tune with our spirit / energy world that surrounds us. I can positively say you are Never alone. Anyways My friends wanted me to stop writing so of course I did sat there and said now what? to which they replied, be yourself write with your own voice. So I reread what I wrote and said ah ok, erased it and started again. this time being myself. Because as they said if you can't be yourself why be anything. So now I am being me. I write what I feel and also what I hear, I let the energy flow through me.  All this is coming at a great time as I begin the final journey of my first venture at publishing. I am very excited to do this and so look forward to receiving it. I have the book cover in detail pictured in my mind. the colors and graphics, the smell of the paper, the thickness of it and how it feels as I sit and read ...

The art of Allowing

Ya not gonna tell you I have all the answers to this one. I am still learning, What I do want to do is tell you that from my experience most people are still learning that is. I have found that the best teachers on this are children and puppies/dogs. Yup ever watch them get what they want, sit there and just stare at you looking deep into your soul until suddenly you hand them exactly what they want.  Yea that is what happens in my house. My dogs are the best. and my son was pretty good at it when he was younger. I see it in my store every day too. and it is not the kids that are whinnying till the parent gives in. It is the parent that just says to the quite child just standing there, what would you like. or better yet the parent that picks something up for the child at home.  Well that child  is us, the Universe wants to give us everything we want too. But we need to become like children once again in order to receive it. Ask and Know that it will arrive. Move on...

Ah What you say? The Power of Focus

So Focus was a topic that came up for me several times over a few days and the topic itself I found to be quite unfocused, as it has many paths. I first started with the topic of children and their ability to focus in class, the ability of teachers to maintain a child's focus, and from there the topic went to what it takes from a certain subject to the value of that subject and how it relates to an individual and community.  I was suppose to write this article yesterday but I kept using excuses to get other stuff done, this morning I woke to realize that not getting it done was a lesson in itself and that it really doesn't take that much effort to actually focus, usually us not focusing on something is a level of fear in not performing up to the standards of ourselves or others. Like procrastinating lack of focus is an excuse we can use to not move forward in our lives, an excuse for being lazy and I say this because that is where I have found myself quite often, Will I b...

Love is all there is.......

Yes John Lennon hit it on the head, Love really is all there is. Well some would say what about Hate, Fear, Joy Peace, Envy, and all the other emotions. That is just it those are all emotions. Love is not an emotion, well it can be describe as one but in reality it is actually an extremely high Vibration. A Powerful Energy, A Force, As Obi Wan Kenobi said to Luke Skywalker. Use the Force. The Force is Love. Love will Protect you, Love will Project you, Love Heals All, Love is All. Some will say that all there is is Love and Fear,  But Fear is an absence of Faith, and an absence of Faith is an absence of Love. Just as cold is defined as an absence of heat. Our Natural state is a high Vibrational state a state of Love, when we enter this physical world that is all we know and all we project. Babies are pure Love, They know nothing else. If we can learn to get back to the state of Love, even if it is only temporary amazing things will begin to happen in your life. Now there...

Manifestation, Feelings & Beliefs

I was struggling with this Law  of Attraction thing for many years, I was struggling with Religion and all the "rules" that came with it. I was struggling with wanting a connection with Source, with Jesus and his teachings and not appearing weak, I always knew this positive thinking stuff worked. why because I had secretly used it. yes the few times I really wanted something I used all the techniques and it worked. My problem was how come it didn't work all the time? Then came the answer,.... you  didn't feel it. deep down you really didn't want it or feel that you deserved it. Oh and that was the big one deserving it. After all who was I to want such things. But then the realization also came well that event or thing I didn't really want anyways. Ya that's it I just wanted it because so and so had it and I felt I should want it. So here I have it in order to "manifest" into the physical world you must have the following... 1. a belief tha...

Conscience Science Why, What Where, How

Consciousness and science along with our Spirituality can explain the possibility and the laws that govern creation and life on this planet. This is an introduction to my theory on the workings of creation and how we create. On this subject of Conscience Science we explore the reality of energy and how it works in our world and the universe.  How  and why on a scientific level the Law of attraction works, How do our feelings on a cellular level affect the vibration of everything around us. How remote viewing works, what really is energy healing and how does it work, What is this damm vortex that Abraham talks about? Just what is the leading edge? Yes all these questions will be explored and answered as Gabriels place expands. We welcome you to join in the discussion, because of the wide topic coverage we will be breaking this information into small pieces, So join us we look forward to working together in bringing our world into a wonderful Loving Vibration. Gabrie...