Updated Question of the day, Authenticity, what is it? How do you put yourself out there? How do we know when we are being authentic or when we are acting the way society expects us to act? After all we have had some great teachers that have been taught by great teachers how to kill our truth. Hide that dam joy, stop acting like a girl. You will never get anywhere in this life if you can’t compete with the men. Well baby I competed and I did pretty good. In fact I proved that I work harder and have less fears than most. Well at least I pushed past them and got the job done. I look back at some of the positions I put myself in. Ya, HA HA I got that. But seriously. I walked on a cat walk four stories up two feet wide with no safety harness. I use to climb the three story ladder to fix siding while the guy held the ladder because he was too scared to climb. I proved myself. Which is why I also moved up in the Management hierarchy. Move to present day and I am amazed how wome...
The path of our Quest is personal. Yet there are many truths we share.