Over the past few months I have had alot of experience with learning to focus. How to, what happens when you don't, and the rewards when you do. The basis of focus is paying attention, now the trick is what are you paying attention too? The news, the weather, the idiot that cut you off while on the cell phone? and now that is all your thinking about. The bills that fill up your mailbox, your spouse and their whining, the co worker that adds all the drama to the office, and oh yay, that traffic when your running late for work. Really, how are we suppose to get ahead when we have all this stuff bombarding us each day? After all we can't help the traffic, the whining spouse, the drama queen at work, and the bills we have to pay attention to them! No actually you don't have to "Focus" on them. Now for one example when driving to work have you ever noticed the beauty around you? I still get into the wrong focus, the difference is I no longer ...
The path of our Quest is personal. Yet there are many truths we share.