The Light, The truth,
I have always loved the saying "the Truth shall set you Free", Though I never truly understood the real meaning until recently, I always did my best to speak the truth and I'm not sure if that is because I was quick to have a guilty conscience, or fear of Karma. which I'm a big believer in, another post on that coming up.
The Truth as it is known, is about the truth that Jesus spoke of, The truth The reality of the Power that you hold within you. Is a Law, The truth is all there is, The freedom you experience when you realize the truth is a freedom of all fears, all untruths, all you see is the reality that Source intended when He Thought up this world, this image that was held and manifested in and for us.
Ok starting to sound a bit much, like church.
Lets get to the proof, the Science behind it. The Truth is Freedom.
Any engineers out there or HVAC Techs,
What is Cold? Yes, cold is defined as the absence of Heat, that's all.
The same goes for all other "low energy" situations or events
There is no such thing as Darkness as darkness is just the absence of light
no sickness as it is just the absence of Health
no Financial Lack as it is just the absence of prosperity
And all Fear is is the absence of Faith,
One glimmer of Light, one speck of Faith that is all it takes,
So when we come to this Knowing we can relax we can become like children again, The freedom to play.
That is next how to become like children and play with this energy stuff, Like play doe you can mold it into anything.
To be continued.................................................
Peace and Light
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