one way or another
Are you having trouble reaching your goals do you give up thinking my good will never come, Does that voice in your head say why bother?
Well if it does tell it to Shut Up!
because that is your ego, ya your ego does not always tell you your doing great. Basically your Ego wants to be in charge and it does not have the info to be.
You see all the information you need comes from Universal mind. and Universal Mind is a very high vibration and in order to hear it's wisdom you need to be quite and listen.
The ego shouts very loud, it's the class clown, The ego comes from your physical being and is earth bound lower vibration. The ego is always trying to be in charge,
Now you may think that sometimes it is OK to let the ego have it's way.
Sometimes it's good to be aggressive, ah big debate there
I'm sure, though I would say it is more important to be Assertive, being assertive is knowing what you want, what's best for the situation and going about it in a compassionate way.
So tell the Ego to get lost raise your vibration and listen to your inner guidance, it truly will lead you to your most treasured desires.
For more info on following your inner guidance and Raising your vibration
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