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A powerful force in  personal growth.  I believe its so powerful because its so damm hard.  All that yin yang stuff.   How do you forgive someone that wronged you.  Lied to you stole from you physically hurt you.  Or what ever else. Now there are all levels of “harm” people do. Cutting you off while driving can’t be compared to a violent crime. Though  the same process of forgiveness takes place.

Forgiveness  is  a decision to let go. Let go of bitterness,  resentment and or thoughts of revenge.  Stress is caused by not forgiving which leads to health issues.  Now forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting,  the act that offended you may always be a part of your life, but forgiveness  allows you to move on and be more positive in other areas of your life. You can forgive with out excusing the act. 

Another aspect of forgiveness is self forgiveness. The guilt you carry around with you for a past mistake is doing more damage to you everyday by not forgiving  yourself. If you realize the mistake you made asked for forgiveness as possible. Then move on. You most likely did the best you could with the  information and abilities you had at the time.  I say abilities because usually as we age we acquire more wisdom. That wisdom is what makes us realize what we could of done different in a situation, unfortunately to little too late. So don’t carry it learn form it maybe someday you can pass that lesson on to someone else and help them avoid the same mistake. 


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